
  • Drostanolone Enanthate 200 mg
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Drostanolone is an injectable oil-based anabolic steroid, and is derived from Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which makes Masteron a member of the DHT-derived family of anabolic steroid derivatives and analogues. Essentially, all anabolic steroid analogues and derivatives are all modifications in one way or another of the three primary anabolic steroids naturally found in all humans: Testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone, and Nandrolone. In this case, Masteron’s progenitor (or parent) hormone is Dihydrotestosterone.

Because Masteron is a DHT-derivative, it retains some of the same characteristics as its parent hormone, one of which is its inability to interact with the aromatase enzyme. The aromatase enzyme is the enzyme responsible for the conversion of androgens into Estrogen, of which Masteron is invulnerable to this process. Therefore, Masteron will exhibit no Estrogenic side effects at any dose, making Masteron completely void of the following risks: water retention and bloating, elevated blood pressure (as a result of water retention), possible fat gain/retention, and gynecomastia. Individuals using Masteron will only experience lean mass gains without the addition of water weight, which would otherwise serve to create a very puffy, soft, and bloated looking physique. It is therefore an anabolic steroid preferred by the majority of bodybuilders and athletes as a ‘cutting’ compound considered very useful for pre-contest cycles and fat loss and cutting phases.

Due to its low to moderate anabolic strength, Masteron is not regarded as being a very good mass addition or bulking compound, and in fact many experienced anabolic steroid users suggest that due to its higher price and its moderate anabolic strength, it is only of real value to competitive bodybuilders who wish to achieve a very hardened and ‘chiseled’ look to the physique once on-stage in a show. When stacked with other particular compounds, Masteron has been shown to bring out a ‘ripped’ physique to an even greater deal. However, these ‘hardening’ properties of Masteron do not exhibit themselves in the user unless he or she possesses a low enough body fat percentage to be able to allow these hardening effects to become visible. This leads to the next major property of Masteron.