
  • Oxymetholone 50 mg
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Cycles including Oxymetholone are normally of the type that are intended for bulking, strength-gaining, and general overall mass. Anadrol cycles are poorly suited for the purpose of cutting, fat loss, pre-contest, or anything of the like. Although Anadrol can indeed be used to aid and accelerate in fat loss, it is a poor choice because of its Estrogenic effects, notably water-retention and bloating. This side effect serves to provide the physique with an overall soft and smooth look to it, which blurs, obscures definition, making it difficult to visually gauge fat loss. This is made worse by the fact that Anadrol does not convert into Estrogen, and therefore imposes this effect on the user by some as-of-yet-unidentified other means. Therefore, and aromatase inhibitor in this case would not work to reduce the bloating effect.

Anadrol cycles are normally composed of Anadrol as a kickstarting compound for the first 4 – 6 weeks where it is supplementary to other injectable base compounds that are used for similar purposes, such as Testosterone Enanthate, Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate), Trenbolone Enanthate, etc. It can also be utilized in the middle of a cycle in order to push through any sticking points or plateaus in training progress. Additionally, some users throw it into the end of a cycle in order to boost the end of a cycle and act as a ‘finisher’ compound in a cycle, leaving the user to end off their cycle with some very impressive strength and size gains as they move into the PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) phase.

Anadrol cycles should not extend beyond 4 – 6 weeks due to hepatotoxicity issues. However, other compounds used with it, such as injectables, can be utilized beyond Anadrol’s ending period.